The Ikki Twins Continue 2 Raise the Reality TV Bar

Saturday, December 20, 2008 |

In case you haven't seen the epic television event, A Double Shot at Love With The Ikki Twins, here's a little synopsis of the reality series thus far:

Forced mingling. Guys acting like complete meatheads. Aggressive makeout sessions. Fights inexplicably breaking out. Guys and girls trying to "wet each other over a giant sheet." Elimination occuring over suspenseful background music.

That about sums it up. If you missed MTV's latest girl-on-girl bonanza and have yet to experience the glory that is The Ikki Twins (a.k.a. Rikki and Vikki Ikki, a.k.a. Rikki and Vikki Mongeon), here's a little photo gallery we put together.

Click to enlarge some seriously Ikki (twin) pics!

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