The saga of Henry VIII continues in Showtime's second season of the critically acclaimed "The Tudors,' starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers as the king in his handsome, younger days.
In the second season, Henry changes history by divorcing Catherine of Aragon (Maria Doyle Kennedy) to marry the bewitching Anne Boleyn (Natalie Dormer -- and he is excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. All 10 episodes are featured in this four-DVD set, which also includes two featurettes: Tower of London and Descendants of Henry. To find out "Who the Tudor Are You?,
In the second season, Henry changes history by divorcing Catherine of Aragon (Maria Doyle Kennedy) to marry the bewitching Anne Boleyn (Natalie Dormer -- and he is excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church. All 10 episodes are featured in this four-DVD set, which also includes two featurettes: Tower of London and Descendants of Henry. To find out "Who the Tudor Are You?,
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